
Showing posts from November, 2020

Why Family Portraits are important to take and display...

  Ok, so I know what you are thinking, you're a photographer, of course, you are going to tell me that taking family portraits are important.  Well, just hear me out. How many of you have lost someone and when looking for memories thought I wish we had more pictures?   Life is short!  We are not promised tomorrow.  When we lose someone pictures and memories are all we have left.  Those pictures not only provide comfort but, they also help us to heal and get through the hard times of grieving.  So, this not good enough for you? How about this... Kids grow and change so much from year to year and before you know it they will be grown and gone off to college.  Taking family portraits annually documents your family's growth and changes, and when you display them in your home, they can be conversation starters for future family members (boyfriends or girlfriends).  They provide family history and when your kids have kids, family portraits wil...